$ 315.65 $ 416.23 You Save 24% ($ 100.58)
Enjoy superior lumbar support with this classic office chair. It features a soft polyester seat with a black swivel base. It has adjustable height, and a mesh back for temperature control throughout the day. Spend your day in comfort with this office chair.
Its dimensions are 22.6" W x 20.5" D x 38.2" H.
This product is shipped from California. The larger products from this manufacturer, including the larger desks and the conference tables, ship via LTL (heavy freight) carriers. The smaller products, like the chairs and smaller desks, ship via FedEx. Either way, orders are shipped out within 1-3 business days, and transit times vary between 1 and 5 days, depending on how far the shipment is traveling.
We include the top service level available on LTL shipments (inside delivery). This includes delivery to the first floor, the first dry space (often a building's receiving area, or the garage of a home). For boxes to be moved to a specific office, or a higher floor, a moving / assembly company will need to be hired. We can assist with finding one in your area if needed.
Collections: Euro Style, Guest / Conference Chairs, Office Chairs, Products